Fermentation Academy Online Program
II. International Food Law Summer School
CRISPR-Cas Gene Editing Applications
Guest Talk (March 2019) at International Food Biosafety and Biotechnology Research and Extension Center (IFBBC).
What We Do

International Food Biosafety and Biotechnology Research and Extension Center (IFBBC) operates as a Centre of excellence for Research, Training and Technology Transfer to promote sustainable global development.

The Center creates a multidisciplinary network and enriches the research environment through a seminar series, provides training to faculty, students and staff through workshops and short courses and awards student fellowships and scholarships.

Through the studies carried out at the center and academic cooperation, it will be possible to transfer the information and information resources of  HU and MSU directly to individuals, society and institutions and to improve resources and to develop on-site, real-time research techniques that can be applied globally in the field of food biotechnology and biosafety.

With its central infrastructure, it will proceed to become a science and technology center that follows, applies and presents technology to the world market and will bring economic and scientific gains to our country.

With the project carried out in cooperation between the Center and Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Seed Gene Bank, for the first time, the diversity of indigenous wheat in Turkey, the use of wheat in the human nutrition with effects on human health and sustainable production in wheat issues are being investigated.

The Center aims to provide expertise, research and laboratory facilities in the field of food biosafety and biotechnology that universities, public and private institutions need.

In addition, by supporting inter-institutional studies at interdisciplinary, national and international level, it is committed to increase the ability of our universities and other organizations to participate and conduct international projects and to support research that opens new horizons in science.