Circular Bioeconomy in the Climate Agenda Workshop!
Fermentation Academy Online Program
II. International Food Law Summer School
CRISPR-Cas Gene Editing Applications
Guest Talk (March 2019) at International Food Biosafety and Biotechnology Research and Extension Center (IFBBC).
Research Areas

The Centre has three main research areas:

Plant Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
Food Biosafety

IFBBC is a centre that aims to create a multidisciplinary network that shares knowledge, promotes learning and builds mutual capacity in the field of food biotechnology and biosafety innovation. This will be done by sharing and disseminating scientific knowledge to Turkey, the Balkans, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the EU regions. In addition, an important component of the centre is the Biosafety Training and Communication Office, which will play a vital role in global food sustainability and development.