Circular Bioeconomy in the Climate Agenda Workshop!
Fermentation Academy Online Program
II. International Food Law Summer School
CRISPR-Cas Gene Editing Applications
Guest Talk (March 2019) at International Food Biosafety and Biotechnology Research and Extension Center (IFBBC).

The Center aims to improve livelihoods by bringing the vast knowledge and resources of HU and MSU directly to individuals, communities and businesses. The Center’s overall goal is to create a multidisciplinary network that shares knowledge, promotes learning and builds mutual capacity in the area of food biotechnology and biosafety innovation. This will be done by sharing and disseminating scientific knowledge to Turkey, Balkan, Middle East, Caucasus and EU regions. Additionally, a key component of the Center will be the Biosafety Training and Communication Office, which will play a vital role in achieving global food sustainability and development.

The Center include three main research groups:

  • Food Crop Biotechnology
  • Food Microbial Biotechnology Research
  • Food Biosafety Training and Communication

Hacettepe University has the necessary infrastructure to house the IFBBC under its HUNITEK. HUNITEK in the field of infrastructure and laboratory facilities in Turkey has reached qualifications recognized at national and international level. In addition, it adopts an innovative approach that constantly develops itself by being one of the leading laboratories and closely following the possible developments.

By sharing the same vision and ground, IFBBC and HUNITEK aim to be a science and technology center that will respond to the research needs of the public and private sectors and follow innovative technology with a research infrastructure that can be used for multi-disciplinary scientific researches. In this context, IFBBC is a THEMATIC FIELD EXPERTISE without the need to re-establish device infrastructure and laboratories.

Furthermore; within the scope of the cooperation, most of the central activities take place at HU; however, some work may be carried out at MSU facilities by MSU faculty and staff who are associated with the Center. HU and MSU collaborate on the design and presentation of proposals and projects to be conducted by or through the Center. The MSU works together for proposal development and Center activities, including but not limited to information sharing, technical assistance, training programs, joint research, joint publications, workshops and other platforms.